Phillip A. Sharp

Phillip A. Sharp photo
Phillip A. Sharp
Spring 1994
Topics in Molecular Biology

The 1993–1994 Killian Award lecturer was Phillip A. Sharp, then head of the Department of Biology and later, Institute Professor and Nobel laureate. A scientist internationally recognized for his contributions to molecular biology, Professor Sharp and his laboratory were commended by the selection committee for providing “some of the most insightful and definitive work on the complex but robust molecular mechanisms that make [RNA] splicing so common in nature. He has also succeeded in identifying quite a few of the proteins or so-called ‘transcription factors’ that govern whether and when a gene gets read out into RNA at all. And he has been involved with manipulating the genes themselves via various artificial splicings and cloning, both in the laboratory and in the biotech industry.” Read more at MIT News.


  • Gerald Fink

    Gerald Fink

    What is a Gene?
  • Eric Lander

    Eric Lander

    Secrets of the Human Genome
  • Tyler Jacks

    Tyler Jacks

    Unlocking the Secrets of Cancer
  • Sallie (Penny) Chisholm

    Sallie (Penny) Chisholm

    Tiny Cells, Global Impact: A Journey of Discovery with a Microbe from the Sea
  • JoAnne Stubbe

    JoAnne Stubbe

    Freeing Radicals from Their Negative Connotations
  • Rudolph Jaenisch

    Rudolph Jaenisch

    Making Stem-cell Therapy a Reality
  • H. Robert Horvitz

    H. Robert Horvitz

    Worms, Life and Death: Cell Suicide in Development and Disease
  • Robert A. Weinberg

    Robert A. Weinberg

    Genes and the Origins of Human Cancer
  • Alexander Rich

    Alexander Rich

    Topics in Molecular Biology
  • Nevin S. Scrimshaw

    Nevin S. Scrimshaw

    “Myths and Realities in International Health Planning” and “Health Problems and Programs in North Vietnam and Laos”