Ann Graybiel

Ann Graybiel photo
Ann Graybiel
Monday, March 17, 2003
Huntington Hall, MIT Room 10-250
The Robot Within Us: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Habit Formation

Ann Graybiel, Walter A. Rosenblith professor of neuroscience and winner of the 2001 National Medal of Science, was named the 2002–2003 James R. Killian, Jr. Faculty Achievement Award winner. The selection committee praised her passionate advocacy of neuroscience at MIT, as well as her teaching and mentorship of MIT’s undergraduate and graduate students. Professor Graybiel is also a principal investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, recognized worldwide for her pioneering work on the architecture and neurochemical organization of the large forebrain region known as the basal ganglia. Read more at MIT News.


  • Hans-Lukas Teuber

    Hans-Lukas Teuber
